A Hawk STOLE My Drone!

I never thought it would happen, but a hawk literally stole my drone...

It probably thought my DJI Mavic was competition or invading its territory so it decided to snatch it and drop it in a tree! It definitely was the scariest experience that I've had with my drone. But thanks to God and some luck, my mavic just needed some new propellers and it runs fine now. You could consider me one of the luckiest drone pilots alive :)

DJI - your products are incredibly durable (my mavic endured being dropped from the sky into a tree with minor damage).

Intro song - Callin' Your Name by Nicolas Haelg
Outro song - Sthlm Sunset by Ehrling

PS - What's ironic, is that I made a tutorial about not getting attacked by hawks a few months ago... haha!