Stung by JELLYFISH!! Secret Beach Belize Travel Vlog

Our day trip to Secret Beach on San Pedro in Belize included Jellyfish, jellyfish stings, and of course lots of drinks and alcohol. Especially after the jellyfish. My sister has something about attracting disaster so of course she is the one that got stung by the jellyfish. Luckily there was no pee involved, since this is the only remedy I knew of before this day. Did you know you don't have to pee on it?!

This was our second day in San Pedro, Belize and the day before our big family sail trip. I hope you enjoy joining us on our family adventure with this travel vlog and be sure to subscribe to join us on the sailboat and the Belize Barrier Reef!

I am a part time traveller but full-time adventurer - because adventure begins with a mindset. I’ve got more adult responsibilities than I care to count – but I’m sure there’s a life less ordinary out there for us. Let’s share our cultures, experiences, positive vibes, and keep on wandering together.
I love story telling and helping others find what they’re looking for. So stamp that subscribe button and join me on this beautiful adventure called life.

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