Using a 360 camera in a helicopter in Far North Queensland Australia

In this 360 video. we shoot a bit of a behind the scenes footage using a 360 camera in a helicopter. So enjoy this 360 helicopter ride over Cairns in far north Queensland Australia.

We were recently on a commercial shoot up in Cairns City over their Marina in Far north Queensland Australia. We were unable to put our drone up as we were very close to the Cairns international airport. So we did it like we use to do and grabbed a helicopter pulled off the doors and took the cameras to the sky for a Helicopter photoshoot.

While Ben was shooting out the back on the RED I took control of the Fusion in the front.

A big shout out to the crew GBR Helicopters for helping us on our shoot. You guys rock!!!

Also, whilst the GoPro Fusion now apparently shoots in 5.8K its output stitched video is in 5.6K


Ben and Di

Check us out on instagram @Ben and Di
