Wonderful Indonesia: A Visual Journey through Wakatobi

Wander through Wakatobi on this visual journey. From the bajo villages to the depths of the seas.

- Wakatobi: http://www.indonesia.travel/en/destin...
- Bunaken: http://www.indonesia.travel/en/destin...

Follow along with the adventure crew!
- Kylor Melton (Film maker): https://www.instagram.com/kylormelton/
- Mikai Karl (Film Maker): https://www.instagram.com/mikaikarl/
- Chelsea Yamase (Talent): https://www.instagram.com/chelseakauai/)
- Travis Burke (Photographer): https://www.instagram.com/travisburke...
- Music by James Everingham (http://www.jameseveringham.com/)

Check our Website: http://www.indonesia.travel

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